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Teaching & Learning at Hobart

Drama and media

Drama (GCSE)

The key stage three Drama programme helps to develop student’s confidence and the ability to work co-operatively with peers.  Lessons are designed to enhance students understanding of drama throughout the ages, explore a variety of strategies, mediums and elements, and develop an understanding of different genres of drama through engaging with the work of key practitioners.

At GCSE, students follow the AQA syllabus, which provides a mixture of creative practical tasks and academic rigour. In Year 10, students will focus on Component 1: Understanding Drama through revisiting key-skills covered in KS3, learning about staging positions and configurations, understanding the different roles and responsibilities within the theatre and studying the set text for the written exam: ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell.  ‘Blood Brothers’ will be explored practically with complementary written tasks to aid understanding.  They will go on to focus on different genres of Drama by exploring the work of Brecht, Stanislavski and Boal, before in the summer term, beginning to prepare for Component 2: Devising Drama.

In Year 11, students will complete their assessment of Component 2 through a practical performance and the completion of a written devising log.  This forms 40% of the GCSE assessment.  They will then go on to complete Component 3: Texts in Practice by performing two sections of a play either as a monologue, duologue or group performance.  This forms 20% of the GCSE assessment. Finally, students will revise for their Component 1 exam and watch a live performance for section 3 of the exam.  The exam forms 40% of the GCSE assessment.  All students will have at least one visit to the theatre during the GCSE course to watch a live performance. Students can achieve grades 9-1.

Extra curricula opportunities

Drama Club – open to all year groups and run by Drama Team Leaders.

School Production - working alongside the music department, students have the opportunity to be part of a whole school musical either as a performer or part of the backstage/technical crew.

Contact Details

Mrs L King  Head of Drama


Hobart High School

At Hobart High School, our aim is to enhance educational opportunities for young people to the benefit of their community. We do this through: raising aspirations, improving teaching and learning standards, providing the best possible environment for learning and exposing our students to rich cultural experiences.

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The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

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