01508 520359office@hobart.org.uk@HobartHigh

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You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

About Our School

Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium


What is Pupil Premium Funding?

This is funding provided to all schools to raise achievement levels of students from low income families.

Funding is paid to the school according to the number of students who:

  • Are, or have at any point in the in the last six years, receiving free school meals
  • Are looked after children (adopted or children in care)
  • Are children of Armed Forces Service personnel

Although the school is funded an amount per eligible student the Department for Education recognises that this funding should support the academic achievement of all pupil premium students as a whole, and so gives the responsibility to the school to use the money as it sees fit.

What is the C19 Recovery Premium?

Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID -19).  The Department for Education (DFE) has allocated funds to be spent on ensuring students have the chance to catch up and that schools have funding to support them to do this.  Research shows that those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds are likely to have been hardest hit.   The way in which Hobart High will utilise the C19 Recovery Premium features within our Pupil Premium strategy document (see link below).

Activities Supported by Pupil Premium Funding

The school monitors the progress of all students as part of the regular assessment programme used across all subject areas.  This identifies where interventions are required to provide students with additional support to ensure they can achieve as well as possible.  Progress can be seen academically, emotionally and socially and pupil premium funding contributes to a variety of measures to support all students’ progress.

The main Barriers to Educational Achievement at Hobart for some of our Disadvantaged Children are:

  • The Rural Location and thus student access to additional activities, revision, support services and the school are seen as a possible barrier for some Hobart students.  We are using a model of in school provision where needed to reduce this impact so students can receive additional support and opportunities.
  • Attendance for some of our Pupils Premium Students is a barrier to learning.  The school Attendance officer, Assistant Head Guidance and Guidance Team are working hard to improve attendance of Pupil Premium Key Students.
  • Attainment, Attitudes to Learning and Engagement by students and their families is also seen as a possible barrier for some Pupil Premium students.  We have introduced Attitudes for Learning across the school, held meetings for families and have changed our reporting systems so all students and families are clear what positive attitudes are wanted in school to enhance learning and progress.  This is supported by work in the Guidance Team, Tutors and Mentors.
  • Aspiration can also be linked to all 3 barriers identified above and we are using a range of strategies to raise attainment and aspiration across the school and Pupil Premium students are a Focus Key group during this work.

As we continue to improve our impact one of our developments this year is to begin a process of Individual Pupil Profiling.  This will help us to identify specific barriers to learning experienced by a Pupil Premium student and help us to target more specific support.

Our main philosophy is that the first wave of Intervention starts within the classroom and we are continuing to strive to offer Quality First Teaching and alongside this high levels of feedback to Pupil Premium students. This is being monitored as part of our lesson observations and work scrutiny process and staff are being supported to develop practice as part of our CPD programme.  In addition to this we provide a range of other strategies to try to reduce the Gap between Pupil Premium students and their peers.

HHS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024


Hobart High School

At Hobart High School, our aim is to enhance educational opportunities for young people to the benefit of their community. We do this through: raising aspirations, improving teaching and learning standards, providing the best possible environment for learning and exposing our students to rich cultural experiences.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

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