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Teaching & Learning at Hobart

Learning and Revision Strategies

Learning / Revision strategies 

Students developing and building effective study skills is an essential part of becoming a successful learner. At Hobart we aim to embed effective habits around studying throughout a student’s time at Hobart, resulting in more independent, reflective and resilient learners. 

The sequence of presentations below cover the key study strategies that research shows as being effective for long term learning. Students will be encouraged to adopt these principles within school and when given study / revision style homework tasks. 

Part of becoming an effective and ultimately independent learner also involves the learner being able to work metacognitively, part of which involves developing student’s ability to plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning. We promote this within school but it is also important for students to reflect on these three key areas when working at home. We will encourage students to experiment with a variety of study skills and methods and reflect on how effective they are. This ultimately should help students to plan and carry out their studies from home more independently and effectively. 

Spaced practice and interleaving 

Rather than cramming all your revision into one long session, studying should be spaced out over time using shorter, regular sessions. Interleaving is all about how you mix up your studying rather than studying the same material in the same order over and over again.  This clip explains how you can effectively plan your study sessions. 


Retrieval practice 

Just re-reading notes is not an effective way to study. Research shows that a much more effective way to study is to practice retrieving information from your memory. This clip explains some key retrieval based strategies.

Dual coding 

We remember information better when we combine verbal and visual information. This clip gives some ideas on how we can use dual coding.



Elaboration means to make eeper connections between concepts and ideas in order to achieve  a better understanding o the material. This clip gives some practical ideas as to how you can use this strategy. 


Concrete examples 

Finding real life examples of abstract ideas can be a really powerful way of remembering information. This clip explores how you might do this whilst studying. 



Hobart High School

At Hobart High School, our aim is to enhance educational opportunities for young people to the benefit of their community. We do this through: raising aspirations, improving teaching and learning standards, providing the best possible environment for learning and exposing our students to rich cultural experiences.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

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